Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Aromatherapy - Bergamot Essential Oil

Bergamot is a citrus fruit whose rind is used for extracting the Bergamot Oil.  Bergamot Oil has a Fresh, orange/lemon/citrusy, slightly floral sweet woodsy smell.

Anti Biotic & Disinfectant: Certain components of the essential oil of Bergamot are anti biotic and disinfectant in nature. They inhibit growth of germs, virus and fungi. They also effectively prohibit infections, such as those of skin. If regularly used with bathing water or in soaps (this is already used extensively in skin-care soaps), the skin and hair remains protected from infections and become shiny.

Cicatrisant: This property of Bergamot oil is the reason behind its extensive use in cosmetics, skin-care products such as beauty soaps, creams, lotions etc. Cicatrisant is a property or an agent which helps the scar and other marks on the skin to disappear. It also makes the distribution of pigments and melanin even and uniform, resulting in the fading away of marks.

Candle Aromatherapy

The components of Bergamot Oil, like Alpha Pinene and Limonene, are anti depressant and stimulant in nature. They give a feeling of freshness, joy and energy in cases of sadness and depression by improving circulation.

Relaxant & Sedative: Bergamot oil is very good relaxants too. They soothe nerves and reduce nervous tension, anxiety, stress etc. and hence help cure ailments associated with stress such as sleeplessness, high blood pressure etc.

If you have a hard time sleeping, a tart burner with Bergamot, Neroli or Petitgrain will help you get a good night sleep. It is a natural rest, nothing that you get from a sleep aid.

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