Monday, November 28, 2016

Revisiting the 4th Heart Chakra

Welcome to Aesthetic Candles

We create hand poured Soy Candles

Created from an organic soy wax, we us lead cotton wicks,no paraffin wax or fragrances that contain the "bad stuff". We use only the purest ingredients. Our candle is created using strong and true fragrances, we are very picky when we select them.
Mood is demonstrably affected by scent. Your sense of smell is the strongest sense tied to memory. Over 160 studies tell us that happy people are healthier. Seeking out the right smells could make you a happier person. You catch a whiff of pumpkin pie, school glue, newspaper, or fresh-cut grass and suddenly you’re immersed in a flurry of vivid memories, often from your childhood. What is it about smells that can trigger memories so strong and real it feels like you’ve been transported back in time?

 We offer an alternative to “Petro-soot from paraffin candles gives off the same soot as the exhaust of a diesel engine, and is considered just as dangerous as second hand smoke, causing problems from headaches to lung cancer.”

What is the fourth chakra?
In Anahata one makes decisions ("follows one's heart") based on one's higher self, not the unfulfilled emotions and desires of lower nature. As such, it is known as the heart chakra. It is also associated with love and compassion, charity to others and psychic healing.
The heart chakra - the wellspring of love, warmth, compassion, and joy is located in the center of the chest at the heart level.

Anahata moves love through your life.  It is the center of your deep bonds with other beings, your sense of caring and compassion, your feelings of self-love, altruism, generosity, kindness, and respect.

Underactive Heath Chakra

You have any of these physical ailments: immune disorders, the 3 A’s – Apnea, asthma and allergies, or anything related to the heart or lungs.
  1. You find it hard to connect with others and have a loner lifestyle.
  2. You don’t believe you are a healer or don’t like to take care of others.
  3. You don’t like to touch (which is the physical sense of the heart chakra).
  4. You put yourself before others so much that you (or others) would call you selfish.
  5. You find it difficult to feel empathy.
  6. You find it really hard to forgive.

 Common symptoms of an overactive fourth chakra include:
  • Loving indiscriminately
  • Lack of proper boundaries in friendships and intimate relationships
  • Tolerating too much from others to the point of neglecting emotional self-care
  • Acceptance of others without discernment
  • Losing your sense of identity
  • Giving to others or to a cause without restraints
  • Saying yes to everything and everyone, even when it does not benefit you
  • Codependency

    Heart Chakra Affirmations

I am open to love.
All love resides within my heart.
I deeply and completely love and accept myself.
I nurture my inner child.
I am wanted and loved.
I live in balance, in a state of gracefulness and gratitude.
I love the beauty of nature and the animal world.
I forgive myself.
I am open to love and kindness.
I am grateful for all the challenges that helped me to transform and open up to love.
I am connected with other human beings.
I feel a sense of unity with nature and animals.
I accept things as they are.
I am peaceful.

 We over Soy Candles

Bergamot open the heart chakra, and to invite forgiveness.Rosemary contributes strength and action. Rosemary promotes clear thoughts and insights, strengthens and centers and instills self worth, self confidence, self appreciation and enthusiasum. With these insights and resolve, it helps one set boundaries in a relationship. 

We will be adding Lavender Xlang Xlang Green Chakra Soy Candles 

 Our November Newsletter –

This weekend you will find us at

Hernando County Farmers Market –
Saturday  9:00 AM -3:00 PM
Address – 2468 Commercial Way, Spring Hill, FL 34606

Safety Harbor’s Market on Main
Sunday 10 AM · 3:00 PM   ·
Address –      401 Main Street, Safety Harbor, FL 34695
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Friday, November 18, 2016

Aesthetic Candles: Revisiting the 3rd Solar Plexus Chakra

Aesthetic Candles: Revisiting the 3rd Solar Plexus Chakra: Welcome to Aesthetic Candles www. aesthetic - candles .com/ We create hand poured Soy Candles Created from an organic soy wa...

Revisiting the 3rd Solar Plexus Chakra

Welcome to Aesthetic Candles

We create hand poured Soy Candles

Created from an organic soy wax, we us lead cotton wicks,no paraffin wax or fragrances that contain the "bad stuff". We use only the purest ingredients. Our candle is created using strong and true fragrances, we are very picky when we select them.

Mood is demonstrably affected by scent. Your sense of smell is the strongest sense tied to memory. Over 160 studies tell us that happy people are healthier. Seeking out the right smells could make you a happier person. You catch a whiff of pumpkin pie, school glue, newspaper, or fresh-cut grass and suddenly you’re immersed in a flurry of vivid memories, often from your childhood. What is it about smells that can trigger memories so strong and real it feels like you’ve been transported back in time?

 We offer an alternative to “Petro-soot from paraffin candles gives off the same soot as the exhaust of a diesel engine, and is considered just as dangerous as second hand smoke, causing problems from headaches to lung cancer.”

The Solar Plexus Chakra, located between the navel and solar plexus, is the core of our personality, our identity, of our ego.

The third chakra is the center of willpower. While the Sacral chakra seeks  pleasure and enjoyment, the third chakra is all about the perception of who you are.

The gift of this chakra is sensing your personal power, being confident, responsible, and reliable.
The third chakra is the center of your self-esteem, your willpower, self-discipline, as well as warmth in your personality.

The energy of this chakra allows you to transform inertia into action and movement. It allows you to meet challenges and mover forward in your life.

How can you  tell that you are out of balance?

Physical imbalances include digestive problems, liver dysfunction, chronic fatigue, high blood pressure, diabetes, stomach ulcers, pancreas and gallbladder issues, colon diseases.
Emotional imbalances include issues of personal power and self-esteem, our inner critic comes out. Fears of rejection, criticism, physical appearances.
When this chakra is balanced, we feel self-respect and self-compassion. We feel in control, assertive, confident.

Underactive Solar Chakra

If it is under-active, it can lead to emotional problems, sometimes seriously. We may feel powerless or ineffective which can lead to negative thoughts and despair, we will doubt ourselves and our accomplishments and see mistrust within our friends and family. Anxiety and low self-esteem often accompany an under-active Solar Plexus and if we let these emotions fester, it can and will affect our other chakras, and by extension, our physical and emotional states.

Overactive Solar Chakra

Solar Chakra that is overactive can be just as harmful. Too much of a good thing, no matter how healthy or helpful it is, never good for us. If we find ourselves judging people too harshly or have become too critical or demanding, then our Solar Plexus could be over-stimulating our system. Anger and aggressiveness is another symptom of this overactive chakra. Anger is one of the more serious effects as it has a noted physical reaction. When we are angry the body re-directs blood away from the abdomen area and to the muscles in preparation for a physical confrontation, therefore, starving the organs of the Solar Plexus of nutrients.


I love and accept myself.
I stand up for myself.
I am strong and courageous.
I am worthy of love, kindness, and respect.
I choose the best for myself.
I express myself in a powerful way.
I am proud of my achievements.
I honor my self.
I choose healthy relationships.
I am authentic.
I direct my own life.
I appreciate my strengths.
I feel my own power.
I am free to choose in any situation.
I seek opportunities for personal and spiritual growth.
I am at peace with myself.
We offer Yellow - Lemon Frankincense candles

Lemon essential oil is associated with the color yellow and the Solar Plexus Chakra. Lemon essential oil has very powerful effects against stress and stress related diseases. The oil is extremely clearing, uplifting, and refreshing, promoting the removal of any mental exhaustion and fatigue, anxiety, depression, and nervous tension.

Frankincense is known to stimulate the solar plexus chakra and instilling abilities to adapt, by enhancing inner strength and confidence.

Will be adding Mandarin Ylang Ylang

Our November Blog -

This weekend you will find us at

Hernando County Farmers Market –         
Saturday  9:00 AM -3:00 PM
Address - 2468 Commercial Way, Spring Hill, FL 34606     
Safety Harbor's Market on Main 
Sunday 10 AM · 3:00 PM   ·         
Address -      401 Main Street, Safety Harbor, FL 34695

Web site and Social Media Links
Blog –

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Aesthetic Candles: Revisiting Chakra - 2nd Sacral

Aesthetic Candles: Revisiting Chakra - 2nd Sacral: Welcome to Aesthetic Candles www. aesthetic - candles .com/ We create hand poured Soy Candles Created from an organic soy w...

Revisiting Chakra - 2nd Sacral

Welcome to Aesthetic Candles

We create hand poured Soy Candles

Created from an organic soy wax, we us lead cotton wicks,no paraffin wax or fragrances that contain the "bad stuff". We use only the purest ingredients. Our candle is created using strong and true fragrances, we are very picky when we select them.

Mood is demonstrably affected by scent. Your sense of smell is the strongest sense tied to memory. Over 160 studies tell us that happy people are healthier. Seeking out the right smells could make you a happier person. You catch a whiff of pumpkin pie, school glue, newspaper, or fresh-cut grass and suddenly you’re immersed in a flurry of vivid memories, often from your childhood. What is it about smells that can trigger memories so strong and real it feels like you’ve been transported back in time?

 We offer an alternative to “Petro-soot from paraffin candles gives off the same soot as the exhaust of a diesel engine, and is considered just as dangerous as second hand smoke, causing problems from headaches to lung cancer.”

2nd Orange Sacral Chakra

Signs of a Balanced Sacral Chakra

Creative and self expressive, feeling emotionally secure and balanced, in touch with feelings and able to express them, depth of feeling, healthy sense of self esteem, ability to take healthy risks, committed, nonjudgmental, fluidity, easy going, sociable, friendly, enthusiasm for life, joyous, lively, graceful, sense of well-being, energetic, sensual, warmth, compassionate, loving and nurturing to self and others, genuine, sense of belonging, open to intimacy, healthy sexuality and attitudes toward sex, passionate, good sense of humor, intuitive 

Under-Active Sacral Chakra (Insufficient Energy)

Mental/Emotional: Mental/Emotional Symptoms: Feeling flat or lifeless, emotionally cold/numb, inability to feel or express emotions, lack of passion & excitement, unenthusiastic about life, lack of pleasure, aimlessness and lack of focus, passivity, indecisiveness, aloofness, pessimism, feeling unworthy or unloved, feeling shame or guilt, repression, fear of intimacy, low libido/lack of sexual desire, sexually inhibited, feeling restricted, inability to have fun or experience pleasure, blocked creativity, , feelings of inadequacy, perfectionism, controlling or co-dependent, clingy, moodiness, rigid attitude, judgemental, feelings of injustice or betrayel, low self esteem, overly sensitive, shy, timid, suppressed feelings, immobilized by fear, isolation, feeling 'invisible', mistrusful, anti-social, self-regrets, unfulfilled longings/desires, sexual or emotional abuse, fear of change, uncertainty, feeling victimized.     

 Over-Active Sacral Chakra (Excessive Energy)

Mental/Emotional Symptoms: Feeling emotionally overwhelmed or burdened, overly dramatic, overly emotional, emotional outbursts, agression, overly ambitious, overindulgent, selfishness, arrogance, hyper sexuality, over-active sex drive, emotional and sexual addictions, selfish, arrogant, promiscuity, sexual addictions; use sex to avoid dealing with your emotions, misuse of sexual energy; manipulative, seduction, emotional attachements/emotional dependency; distrust, self-absorbed, oversensitive/ruled by emotions, emotional obsessions, possessiveness, jealousy and envy, hatred, mood swings, poor boundaries with others, addicted to pleasure/emotional-based addictions.    

We offer Orange Sandalwood Sweet Orange Candles

Sweet Orange It creates a happy, relaxed feeling and works as a mood lifter,

Emotionally, Sandalwood Oil is calming and helps to instill a sense of inner peace. It is a good choice to try in cases of stress, depression or low self esteem. 

Sacral Chakra Affirmations

 I love and enjoy my body.
I have healthy boundaries.
I am open to experiencing the present moment through my senses.
I am passionate.
I feel pleasure and abundance with every breath I take.
I nourish my body with healthy food and clean water.
I know how to take care of my needs.
I value and respect my body.
I am open to touch and closeness.
I allow myself to experience pleasure.
My sexuality is sacred.
Emotions are the language of my soul.
I take good care of my physical body.
I am at peace.

This weekend you will find us at

Hernando County Farmers Market –         
Saturday  9:00 AM -3:00 PM
Address - 2468 Commercial Way, Spring Hill, FL 34606     
Safety Harbor's Market on Main Fall Kick-Off 
Sunday 10 AM · 3:00 PM   ·         
Address -      401 Main Street, Safety Harbor, FL 34695

Web site and Social Media Links
Blog –

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Revisting Chakras today the 1st Root Chakra

Welcome to Aesthetic Candles


We create hand poured Soy Candles

Created from an organic soy wax, we us lead cotton wicks,no paraffin wax or fragrances that contain the "bad stuff". We use only the purest ingredients. Our candle is created using strong and true fragrances, we are very picky when we select them.

Mood is demonstrably affected by scent. Your sense of smell is the strongest sense tied to memory. Over 160 studies tell us that happy people are healthier. Seeking out the right smells could make you a happier person. You catch a whiff of pumpkin pie, school glue, newspaper, or fresh-cut grass and suddenly you’re immersed in a flurry of vivid memories, often from your childhood. What is it about smells that can trigger memories so strong and real it feels like you’ve been transported back in time?

 We offer an alternative to “Petro-soot from paraffin candles gives off the same soot as the exhaust of a diesel engine, and is considered just as dangerous as second hand smoke, causing problems from headaches to lung cancer.”

chak·ra   ˈCHäkrə/ noun noun: chakra; plural noun: chakras
  1. (in Indian thought) each of the centers of spiritual power in the human body, usually considered to be seven in number.
They affect you on 4 levels. Physical, Mental, Emotional, Spiritual

The first - Root Chakra

The Root chakra, being the first chakra, is the most physical one. This means that any activity that makes one more aware of the body, will strengthen this chakra. 

The Sanskrit name for this chakra is Muladhara, a compound term formed out of the words "root" and "support".

The Muladhara chakra governs a person's relationship with both the basic physical necessities of life, such as food, water, and shelter and also the fundamental psychological factors required for mental health, like trust, acceptance, and comfort. In the list of the seven primary chakras, the Muladhara chakra is always considered the first.

A damaged 1st chakra can cause a multitude of problems, making it difficult or impossible to find one's proper place in the world. Because it lies at the core of the entire tantric network, a root chakra that is either under or over-active can prevent a person from usefully healing the higher chakras. Thus a healthy, balanced Muladhara chakra should be considered for general well being.
There are many ways to heal an imbalanced chakra.

Signs Of An Under-Active 1st Chakra

An under-active or blocked 1st chakra causes problems in the ways people interact with their surroundings, but they tend to be the reverse of those caused by an over-active chakra. With an under-active 1st chakra, it can be difficult to feel any sense of connection between the individual and the world. Sufferers may even feel disconnected from their own bodies. When the Muladhara chakra is too tightly closed, it becomes difficult to summon the energy necessary to interact with the world and find the motivation to change it. 

Signs Of An Over-Active 1st Chakra

Individuals who have a persistently over-active Muladhara chakra express their disconnection from the world through an attempt to overcompensate by dominating their surroundings. Aggressive feelings and behavior are common, and they seek to find the security they crave by proving themselves to be superior to others. Materialism, impulsiveness, and harmful sexual promiscuity can all be tied to an over-active 1st chakra.

Root Chakra Meditation - Affirmations

Affirmations designed to reinforce the balanced Muladhara chakra tend to emphasize the individual's connection with and rightful place in the world. The safety and security of one's position need to be stressed. Affirmations for the root chakra might include statements like these:

* The world around me is a safe place
* I am a part of this world
* I am at peace with the people and things around me

A healthy root chakra vibrates at the color red. Therefore, red foods provide the vibration needed to help balance the root chakra. Nutritionally, red foods usually have high levels of vitamin C–a nutrient utilized by several body parts that the root chakra oversees, like bones, teeth, skin and adrenals. Some red foods you could try are tomatoes, strawberries, apples, pomegranates and cherries. we want to focus in on grounding. Adding in foods like: carrots, potatoes, parsnips, radishes, onions and garlic, and anything else that roots itself, can have a soothing effect for our root chakra.
Dandelion Root tea can be a great way to end a day that has left you feeling a little disconnected

Aesthetic Candles offers Root Chakra Candles – Cinnamon Ginger

Cinnamon aids the functioning of the adrenal glands, is a tranquilizer and has antidepressant qualities.

Ginger is a circulatory stimulant and is useful when someone frequently experiences cold hands and feet. The fight or flight response constricts blood vessels and ginger can be helpful to move blood through the body.

 This weekend you will find us at

Hernando County Farmers Market –         
Saturday  9:00 AM -3:00 PM
Address - 2468 Commercial Way, Spring Hill, FL 34606     
Safety Harbor's Market on Main Fall Kick-Off 
Sunday 10 AM · 3:00 PM   ·         
Address -      401 Main Street, Safety Harbor, FL 34695

Web site and Social Media Links
Blog –