Wednesday, January 25, 2017

3rd Manipura - The Solar Plexus Chakra

The solar plexus chakra is sometimes referred to as the power center of our body. It is located at the base of the sternum and it relates to the digestive system, the solar plexus, the liver, pancreas, adrenals and the mid thoracic spine. It governs integrity, the ego and the development of personal power. In Sanskrit, Manipura literally translates as 'full of jewels'.

A balanced third chakra helps you to be yourself, look after yourself and to have the courage to follow your intuition.

When this chakra is aligned it promotes action and assertion it makes you energetic, dynamic and confident in thrive on pressure, but you are not a workaholic.
When it is out of balance energy levels are low, your self-esteem and confidence is diminished and you have a fear of rejection.

If there is too much energy flowing through this chakra then you might find yourself wanting to be in control of everything, often grumpy and uncooperative and having no patience.

Color is Yellow

Physical health problems may include:
Digestion problems, ulcers, liver and gall bladder challenges, fatigue.

Emotional health problems may include:
Hate - for others and yourself, anger, fear, indifference, a need for power and control.

The best essential oils to use with the solar plexus chakra are uplifting, soothing and those that help with the digestive system, liver and gall-bladder.

Here are some good oils to help balance the manipura:
  • Frankincense, rose, neroli, sandalwood, chamomile and rosemary - help nurture the solar plexus emotionally.
  • Ginger, peppermint, black pepper, lemon, fennel, bergamot and rosemary - help support the digestive system.
  • Juniper, chamomile, rosemary and lemon - help with cleaning the liver and gall-bladder.
  • Basil, chamomile, bergamot, geranium, patchouli, neroli, ylang-ylang, rose, jasmine and sandalwood - soothing oils good for nervous tension and anxiety.
We will be introducing a new Solar Plexus Chakra balancing candle


Mandarin with its sweet, citrusy aroma, the oil is gentle, relaxing, and promotes joyful feelings.
When there is an excessive buildup of stress, mandarin can help disperse stagnant energy within the liver and release tension and frustration.

Our Candles are Created from an Organic Soy Wax
we use pure essential oils and fragrances that are Phthalate Free
(contain none of the bad stuff)
Cotton Wicks
These 3 things are what make our candles different that the ones you find in the store.
Our candles are priced like one you find in the discount stores BUT we are providing a quality handmade clean burning candle. 
Aesthetic Candles founded in 2011 by Roberta(Robie) Waterworth
Our Mission has not changed, we continue to find ways to offer new and interesting scent candles. We have never increased our prices. We offer value and quality, plain and simple, no gimmicks.
Our intent is to provide you the soothing and relaxing experience; what candles are known for, but also provide you all these benefits in a much healthier way (without adversely affecting our environment.
You can finds us

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We are primarily a Farmers Market Vendor
Wedding Candles? We create them just for you

This weekend'
Saturday 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM
 The Hernando County Farmers Market
Sunday 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM
The Safety Harbor Sunday Market on Main

1 comment:

  1. I do not believe on this chakara thing. In my opinion you are destined to achieve certain things in life and nothing can change that. These things have no influence on your fate.
