Friday, January 13, 2017

How Can Aromatherapy Help Improve Your Chakras Health?

Why chakras? Over the years, of setting up at the farmers markets, talking to people about Aromatherapy and my line of candles. I kept getting asked for healing candles. OR "I was told I need to burn a white and blue candle". The were often asking for a 'chakra',candles so Beach Bum and Gardenia were not going to help.

The word chakra comes from Sanskrit, an ancient Indian language, and means 'wheel' or 'spinning'. It is believed that they are centres of life force energy, or light, responsible for the health of our mind, body and spirit. They are key to the flow of life energy, called prana, that vitalises us. They are not actually physical, but are aspects of our consciousness. Some yoga philosophies follow the ideal that there are seven main ones and some believe that there are six, each spinning at different frequencies. The lower three relate to our physical side and the upper three (or four) to our spiritual side.

They start at the base of the spine and move up to the crown of the head and are relevant to different parts of the body. Each chakra has a specific meaning, a colour, a sound, an element, an animal and essential oils associated with it. This is where the aromatherapy comes in.....the belief is that, through essential oils, energy can be generated for the chakra to keep it healthy and balanced.

Using essential oils can help stimulate the 'energy centres' and bring them back into balance.

the names of the seven main 'energy centres'. Click on each one for more details.....

The Muladhara - The Base

Also known as the root, this first one is considered to be the most important of all, especially when dealing with healing work. It is to do with stability and being grounded. It is situated at the base of the spine in the lumbar region.

The Svadisthana - The Sacral

The sacral is the centre for our sexuality and creativity. It is located about 5cm below your belly button.

The Manipura - The Solar Plexus

This third energy centre is about your emotions and self-respect. It is located beneath your breastbone and behind your stomach.

The Anahata - The Heart

This centres on love and compassion and is situated at the level of your heart.

The Visudda - The Throat

This is located at the neck and is the centre of communication through thought, speech and writing.

The Ajna - The Third Eye

This is sometimes referred to as 'The Brow' and is situated just above your eyebrows. It is centred upon intuition and intellect.

The Sahasrara - The Crown

The last of the seven is the centre of enlightenment and spirituality. It is found at the crown of your head.

We introduced our Chakra Aromatherapy Line in 2016. In 2017 we are simplified our line because of popularity. We will phase back in the blends that we used. 

STEP 1 - take the test

Chakra Test

When you read more, it will make sense. The symptoms of over load.  

Our Candles are Created from an Organic Soy Wax

we use pure essential oils and fragrances that are Phthalate Free

(contain none of the bad stuff)

Cotton Wicks

These 3 things are what make our candles different that the ones you find in the store.

Our candles are priced like one you find in the discount stores BUT we are providing a quality hand made clean burning candle. 

Aesthetic Candles founded in 2011 by Roberta(Robie) Waterworth



Our Mission has not changed, we continue to find ways to offer new and interesting scent candles. We have never increased our prices. We offer value and quality, plain and simple, no gimmicks.

Our intent is to provide you the soothing and relaxing experience; what candles are known for, but also provide you all these benefits in a much healthier way (without adversely affecting our environment.

You can finds us 


We are primarily a Farmers Market Vendor

Wedding Candles? We create them just for you 

This weekend 
Saturday 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM

 The Hernando County Farmers Market 

Sunday 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM
The Safety Harbor Sunday Market on Main


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