Thursday, January 26, 2017

4th Anahata - The Heart Chakra

The heart chakra

Imagine feeling pure and unconditional love flowing out of you and around you. Imagine yourself compassionate and generous this is the third chakra, often thought of as the love center of our body's energy system.

It is the first of the spiritual chakras and, in Sanskrit, Anahata means 'unstruck sound'. It is located in the chest and is linked to the thymus which forms part of our immune system.
It governs self-worth, unconditional love and compassion. Learning to love yourself is key to nurturing the heart chakra.

A balanced fourth chakra helps you to see the positive side in yourself and others. You are perceptive, kind, co-operative and compassionate. 

When this chakra is aligned it promotes optimism, hope and motivation. It is where your physical and spiritual side this is where you can make it possible to transform your creative ideas into a physical reality.

When it is out of balance you may have feelings of inadequacy and think negative thoughts about yourself.....maybe feel unfulfilled emotionally. You may find yourself being selfish, indecisive and possessive.

Color is Green

Physical health problems may include:
Heart and circulatory problems, breathing disorders and upper back pain.

Emotional health problems may include:
Loneliness, lack of self-worth, fear and paranoia.
The best essential oils to use with this chakra are balancing, calming and those that help with the respiratory system.
Here are some good oils to help balance the anahata:
  • Rose, neroli, geranium, chamomile, ylang-ylang and jasmine - balancing oils which help with self-love and loving others.
  • Eucalyptus, peppermint, chamomile, frankincense, rose, sandalwood and rosemary - help support the respiratory system when feeling breathless or tight chested.

We offer GREEN - Eucalyptus

Eucalyptus is an oil symbolizing openness and freedom. It is stimulating, decongestive, and soothing on the Lungs and the chest. It opens the chest area and allows flow of energy through the heart chakra.

Eucalyptus is often used in respiratory ailments, bronchitis and colds. On the psychological level, Eucalyptus is a central nervous system sedative, it calms and uplifts the spirit.

Our Candles are Created from an Organic Soy Wax
we use pure essential oils and fragrances that are Phthalate Free
(contain none of the bad stuff)
Cotton Wicks

These 3 things are what make our candles different that the ones you find in the store.
Our candles are priced like one you find in the discount stores BUT we are providing a quality handmade clean burning candle. 

Aesthetic Candles founded in 2011 by Roberta(Robie) Waterworth

Our Mission has not changed, we continue to find ways to offer new and interesting scent candles. We have never increased our prices. We offer value and quality, plain and simple, no gimmicks.
Our intent is to provide you the soothing and relaxing experience; what candles are known for, but also provide you all these benefits in a much healthier way (without adversely affecting our environment.

You can finds us 



We are primarily a Farmers Market Vendor

Wedding Candles? 
We create them just for you

Saturday 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM
 The Hernando County Farmers Market

Sunday 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM
The Safety Harbor Sunday Market on Main



  1. Good post, thank you for sharing the information about it with us, going to share it with others so that they can also learn about it. Keep posting more such posts

  2. I have always been intrigued by this indian chakra business. So, thanks for posting about it, it was really informative. Keep up the good work. Appreciated !!
