Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Aromatherapy - Rose Essential Oil

While oils make up the majority of what aromatherapy is, there is also the art of combining the essential oils to make up an aromatherapy.

What is Aromatherapy?  Aroma means scent and therapy means treatment; use of essential oils to improve your health as well as your mood. 

What are the benefits to Aromatherapy?  Inhaling the appropriate fragrance can reduce stress, assist in getting a good night's sleep, soften your mood, or give you more energy.

How can you use Aromatherapy at home? You can add aromatherapy at home by burning candles, tarts (wickless candles) BUT, for a candle to be an aromatherapy candle it must be made from a natural wax the most common is soy and it must be scented 100% with Essential Oils. Night lights with a blended oil. Essential Oils should always be blended with carrier oil. Rose Oil can be used in carrier oil like Almond Oil or Grape seed and then it is a wonderful as a moisturizer for your skin, or can be added to bath water.

Benefits of Rose Essential Oil

Rose! No doubt it is the most beautiful flower in the world. The flower with innumerable stories, legends, myths and legacies associated with it.  The Essential Oil of Rose is extracted by steam distillation of fresh Damascus Rose.

Antidepressant: Rose Oil boosts self-esteem, confidence, hope and mental strength and efficiently fights depression. This can be very helpful to drive away depression from those who are suffering from depression due to any reason. This also relieves anxiety, invokes positive thoughts, spiritualism and feelings of joy, happiness and hope. Rose Essential Oil promotes circulation, takes care of heart, reduces blood pressure and helps cure headaches.

Roses Essential because of the extraction process is one of the more expensive oils. Approx $20 for 1/32 ounce. If you see if less, investigate. You may not be looking at a pure essential oil or it may a blend(a blend with what)

Today's Aromatherapy Tip

Roberta(Robie) Waterworth
Aesthetic Candles



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