Friday, April 5, 2013

Aromatherapy with Cinnamon Essential Oil

Cinnamon Essential Oil is much richer in aroma than ground cinnamon.

Cinnamon essential oil is derived from distilling a certain tropical plant's bark or leaves, but only oil from the leaves should be used on the skin as the bark oil causes severe skin irritation.

Did you know diffusing a blend of cinnamon, clove, eucalyptus, lemon, and rosemary oils can kill 99% of airborne bacteria in 12 minutes?

This oils you as a candle or in carrier oil in a diffuser help you when you are tired or exhausted, it is also calming, but helps with mental clarity. Researchers found just having the scent in a room helps to reduces drowsiness, irritability and the pain and frequency of headaches. 

Cinnamon essential oil can be used to help fight viral, fungal and bacterial illnesses and to boost the immune system, diffuse in the kitchen.  Wipe kitchen sinks down with Cinnamon essential oil to kill virus or bacteria growth. 

Blend Cinnamon essential oil with other fragrances such as Frankincense, Hyssop, or another favorite with olive oil and apply to a handkerchief to carry with you and inhale as necessary on airplane flights.

Diffuse Cinnamon essential oil in the home or office to lift spirits.  Cinnamon essential oil is known to be a natural antidepressant.

As a general immunity stimulant, add a few drops of Cinnamon essential oil to a pan of water and simmer to fill your home with its warm aroma.

Cinnamon Essential is one of the less expensive essential oil. In a candle the aroma is very different from Cinnamon fragrance oils but the aroma will naturally lift your spirits and reduce drowsiness.

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