Thursday, April 25, 2013

Aromatherapy with Cajeput essential oil

Cajeput Oil is a must-have oil to keep on hand for cold and flu season, especially for use in the diffuser. When well diluted, it can be used topically.

Cajeput (Melaleuca leucadendron) is a relative to Tea Tree (Melaleuca alternifolia).
Aromatically, Cajeput Oil is quite campherous but possesses a fresh, uplifting, fruity quality. 

Cajeput essential oil has an absolutely wonderful stimulating aroma, like a slightly fruity Eucalyptus. The oil seems to combine many of the traits of Tea Tree and Eucalyptus in one.

Traditional use has been for the prevention and treatment of colds and flu. Similar to Eucalyptus, it may jump start the immune system, and can be an excellent addition to blends and practices for preventing bronchial or sinus-related illnesses.

 Add to sports and arthritis massage formulas at concentrations between 1 and 5%. Excellent in conjunction with Marjoram, Helichrysum, and Ginger. May be inhaled from a steaming bowl of water, or diluted and used as a chest rub for cold care and immune system support.

For cold care: Similar to Eucalyptus, Cajeput can be used in a steam inhalation preparation, supporting clearing of the sinus and nasal passages. The potential pain-relieving action may support relief from a sore throat, and may generally assist in clearing up mucus from the bronchial passages.

Some authorities say it is an effective insect repellant. It is the BEST immediate first aid for fire ant bites, for those who live where those pests are prevalent.

General Safety Information: Do not take any essential oils internally without consultation from a qualified aromatherapy practitioner. Do not apply undiluted essential oils, absolutes, CO2s or other concentrated essences onto the skin. If you are pregnant, epileptic, have liver damage, have cancer, or have any other medical problem, use essential oils only under the proper guidance of a qualified aromatherapy practitioner. Use extreme caution when using oils with children and give children only the gentlest oils at extremely low doses. It is safest to consult a qualified aromatherapy practitioner before using essential oils with children.

Blends Well With: Clary sage, geranium, lavender, marjoram, oakmoss, pine, rosemary, spice oils, ylang ylang

This is one if the lesser expensive essential oils, you should be able to purchase an ounce for less than $10.00

Have a great day,

Roberta(Robie) Waterworth
Aesthetic Candles
Candle Maker

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