Friday, April 26, 2013

Aromatherapy with Cardamom essential oil

Cardamom essential oil is distinctively spicy, fruity, warm and balsamic. Its properties indicate it is good for the stomach (settles it), eases gas pains and nausea, digestive, neuro-muscular, antispasmodic, expectorant, and warming. Good inhaled for the bronchial system; assists in stimulating the lungs, expelling phlegm and can be used for easing coughs and bronchitis.

It is also used as an aphrodisiac mixture. Cardamom, the plant, has long been used as a condiment and medicine in India for digestive complaints. The Romans and Arabs both used it to settle gastrointestinal problems.

Cardamom Oil has a warming effect. This effect heats up the body, promote sweating, helps clear toughened cough and also gives relief in cold.

The uplifting, refreshing and invigorating aroma of cardamom warms the senses and is ideal when there are feelings of weakness and fatigue.

 Blends well with bergamot, black pepper, lemon, pine, and thyme,

Cardamon Essential Oil is one of the more expensive essential oils Method Of Extraction:
Steam Distillation from the seed. Expect to pay over $40.00 for 1 oz of this oil.

Have a great day,

Roberta(Robie) Waterworth
Aesthetic Candles
Candle Maker

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