Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Aromatherapy with Celery seed essential oil

Used as a sleep aid, put a couple of drops on a cotton ball and place inside your pillowcase. Also used in making soaps and other body products.

Celery seed essential oil works as a sedative and tonic to Central Nervous System for restful sleep. 

A familiar biennial plant, 12-24 in high, with a grooved, fleshy, erect stalk and skinny pinnant leaves. The celery plant grows with a smooth stem and soft leaves sporting white flowers.

Blends well with: Lavender, Pine, Opopanax, Lovage, Tea Tree, Oak Moss, and other spice oils.

Aromatic Scent:Celeryseed has a fresh, spicy and warm scent. 

This is one of the lesser expensive essential oils, you should be able to purchase an ounce of it for around $10.00

Have a great day!

Roberta(Robie) Waterworth
Aesthetic Candles
Candle Maker

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