Friday, May 31, 2013

Aromatherapy with Ginger Essential Oil

Ginger essential oil is a warming and energizing oil which works well to help ward off feelings of loneliness and depression....especially in the winter!

Put a few drops in a diffuser/burner to help relieve the symptoms of flu and colds. Also good if you are feeling lethargic, down or a little lonely.

The Chinese scholar Confucius ate fresh ginger with every meal.  Since it was one of the earliest herbs transported in the spice trade, it is now difficult to determine if ginger originated in India or China. One ancient Indian trading city was named Shunthi, the Sanskrit name for ginger. Ginger has many applications in aromatherapy.

From 200 B.C.E. and continuing for a thousand years, Arab traders monopolized the ginger trade, carrying the root in sealed earthenware jars on camel caravans through Asia Minor or on boats sailing through the Arabian Sea to Egypt. Ginger was also used in ancient Greece, Rome, and even Britain before the Norman conquest. Spanish conquistadors introduced ginger to the West Indies. In the Philippines, ginger is used to fish with as it is believed to attract fish. It is also thought to drive out the evil spirits that cause disease. In Melanesia, men used it to win the affection of women; Arabs consider it an aphrodisiac that greatly increases energy.

Could St. Hildegarde of Bingen have known this in the twelfth century when she recommended its use for stimulating the vigor of older men married to young women? Or perhaps she was aware that its name comes from the same root as generate and beget, meaning to procreate? Because of such qualities, the word ginger has developed an informal meaning of liveliness and vigor.

Blends well with: Sandalwood, patchouli, rosewood, cedarwood, rose, coriander, frankincense, lime, orange, neroli, vetiver, bergamot.

This is a very strong essential oil, use with care, Dilute with a Carrier Oil.

This is a lesser expensive essential oils, you should be able to purchase an ounce for about $10.00.

Have a Great Day,

Roberta(Robie) Waterworth
Aesthetic Candles
Candle Maker

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