Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Aromatherapy with Clove leaf essential oil

Clove leaf has a higher eugenol content (85/87%) than clove bud and should never be used directly on the skin or in large concentrations.

Cloves are used in Indian Ayurvedic medicine, Chinese medicine, and western herbalism and dentistry where the essential oil is used as an anodyne (painkiller) for dental emergencies. Cloves are used as a carminative, to increase hydrochloric acid in the stomach and to improve peristalsis. Cloves are also said to be a natural anthelmintic.] The essential oil is used in aromatherapy when stimulation and warming are needed, especially for digestive problems. Topical application over the stomach or abdomen are said to warm the digestive tract. Clove oil, applied to a cavity in a decayed tooth, also relieves toothache.

Work with a Certified Aromatherapist for this oil,

Roberta(Robie) Waterworth
Aesthetic Candles
Candle Maker

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